Goal Setting: A smart way to live in MS

Nauman Nazir
3 min readOct 3, 2021


Life isn’t an open ground where you can move toward whatever path you need to and still reach your destination. At the end of the day, you’d need to set objectives or goals and endeavor to accomplish those; regardless of whether you have Multiple Sclerosis!


What we have been writing for several months on this website spins around the thing ‘objective’. We comprehend and perceive the way that it might be unthinkable for MS patients to accomplish every single target they had set. In any case, they should attempt to accomplish those objectives as most as those could reasonably be expected.


Improvement in wellbeing and never having an ‘assault’ again become your top targets. Defining objectives is particularly significant after a backslide (assault). Doing as such is significant for better wellbeing.

You may have a rundown of aspiring plans to accomplish before MS comes to stay for the indefinite future. For example, Ann Marie Johnson, presently in her 40s, got her MS determination at age 31. She is an inhabitant from Brooklyn, New York. furthermore, she had a rundown of desire.

“Get my graduate degree, begin a vocation, have a spouse and pooches. Every one of these objectives!”

The determination changed her reasoning and stresses. She clarifies this in these words,

“Before the MS, anything I wanted, I’d put my mind to it, and I’d get it,…After the MS, I had to ask myself, ‘Is this attainable? Also, how important is it for this thing to get done today or to get done, period?”


In what manner should objectives be set once the news about your suffering from MS has been broken? It is exhorted that patients

  1. Analyze their weaknesses & strengths and their priorities,
  2. Devise SMART objectives.

For MS patients, Kathy Costello, a medical caretaker expert at the Johns Hopkins MS Center in Baltimore, Maryland prescribes that objectives should be,

  • Specific,
  • Measurable,
  • Attainable,
  • Realistic, and
  • time-bound.


The objectives you set must be unmistakable, specific, and not be unclear. Doing exercise for thirty minutes every day is more clear than being just fit. Drinking enough water is vague but drinking 3–8 glasses of water is specific.

As indicated by Costello,

A specific goal might be to take your medication regularly, or to participate in the rehab program that was ordered for you, versus a vague goal like ‘feeling better’ or ‘achieving wellness.’”


Drinking 6–8 glasses of water is not only specific but also measurable.

Maybe you set a goal of walking 25 feet within a certain time frame

Kathy Costello.

Quantifiable objectives are those goals that can be assessed. They enable you to decide if you succeeded or not. In the event that you were not effective, you can evaluate how close you came to your goal.


Does the goal(s) bode well? Are those objectives good for your health? For example, You choose to drink 12 glasses of water each day. Simultaneously, you have issues with your bladder (which MS patients do have). Does drinking 12 glasses seem beneficial?


Achievements dependent on time help us screen advancement and measure achievement. Time-based objectives give motivation and inspiration. For instance, if you will likely drink 9 glasses of water each day, and you had drunk 7 glasses since morning and now it’s time to sleep in 60 minutes, Now you have just one hour to drink 2 glasses of water. Then spend the rest of your night going to the restroom!

It is, hence, better to lower your target from 9 glasses every day to 7 glasses daily.


Final thought goal setting is super important for MS patients. They must set SMART goals with only one target in mind ‘achieve optimum health’.

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Nauman Nazir
Nauman Nazir

Written by Nauman Nazir


A writer who have been professionally writing since 2015 for blogs. Nauman is a post graduate in marketing. He likes to write on lifestyle and technology.

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