8 best content marketing strategies for 2022 that work — Digital English Shop
Before you think about the best content marketing strategies for 2022, consider this. Creating content as an online marketer doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. If you plan ahead and put these eight successful content marketing strategies into practice, your business can reap big rewards in the year 2022 and beyond!
Content marketing strategies have been steadily evolving over the past few years, and by 2022, it’s likely that we’ll see more changes than ever before. Marketers must remain on top of the latest trends in the content marketing world if they want to stay relevant and competitive in their niches over the next several years. Implement the strategies in your content marketing plan so you can maximize your profits along with your market share.
What Is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is one of those buzzwords that keeps coming up, but few people really know what it means.
Often mistaken for blogging or social media, content marketing is actually its own branch of marketing.
To be successful in content marketing in 2022 and beyond, you need to understand your audience’s needs and desires in order to offer them valuable information they’ll want to share with their friends and family.
Content marketing is also great because it allows you to show how your company is different from your competitors.
But there’s another reason content marketing works so well: regardless of you being an individual or part of a content marketing agency, If you (or your company) have high-quality, valuable content your audience wants to consume (watch or read), you can use it to build up your SEO and increase organic traffic.
content marketing strategies for 2022
Outsource Content Creation
Outsource content creation to an agency or freelancer that specializes in creating content and can create high-quality pieces at scale. Content marketing is here to stay, but it’s also become tougher to do well. And if you’re going to be successful at creating engaging, shareable content, you need to find people who know what they’re doing and outsource content creation.
You can find freelancers on sites like Upwork and People Per Hour, or you can work with an in-house content marketing team at your company. In addition to outsourcing content creation, consider partnering with other companies that specialize in specific forms of content.
Write an SEO-Friendly Title
SEO-friendly content and SEO-friendly titles go hand in hand. An SEO-friendly title will help your content rise to the top of search engine results. The average clickthrough rate on a search engine result is 4 percent, which makes optimizing titles incredibly important. Optimizing your title involves balancing search optimization with human readability, keeping in mind that you want people and machines to be able to quickly understand what your content is about from just reading its title. So how do you create an SEO-friendly but readable title?
Use Video to Engage Audiences
One of your top goals should be to grow your audience. Video allows you to do that better than any other medium, as viewers remember 95% of what they see and hear through video-as opposed to 10% when reading text. Plus, over 60% of millennials choose video content over written content. When creating videos, make sure they have clear call-to-actions at their end; these tell viewers exactly what you want them to do next and if they do it, you’ll know right away!
When it comes to video content, you’ll want to think about what type of content your audience would most enjoy. Will it be live or pre-recorded? Would they rather watch short clips or long-form videos? And will there be an opportunity for you to directly engage with your viewers and answer questions in real time? The possibilities are endless, but try out different types of videos so you can see which ones resonate best with your audience.
Test Email Newsletters
Test an email newsletter before you send it out. If you’re like most marketers, you might be tempted to send something out without testing it first. That’s always a bad idea, though. Test your newsletter and make sure everything looks good before hitting send. It will help increase response rates and improve your overall online presence-and that means more money in your pocket!
Test Facebook Ads
Facebook advertising isn’t cheap, but if you do it right, it can be worth every penny. To get your Facebook ads off to a good start, test two or three different versions of your ad-for example, one with an image and one without; one with headlines that have 2–3 words versus 1–2 words. Each of these combinations will lead to slightly different outcomes.
Use Local Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of those catch-all terms that encompasses lots of different techniques. And in today’s landscape, if you aren’t employing local SEO best practices, you could be missing out on bringing more customers to your business. If you know what to look for and how to do it right, search engine optimization can increase your web traffic by an average of 38%-and that should translate into more sales over time.
If you’re not sure where to start with local SEO, there are some steps you can take right away that won’t require any external assistance. For example, make sure your NAP (name, address and phone number) is accurate on your website. Update it whenever necessary or add any missing pieces of information if they’re missing. This way you can control how customers find you online from search engines, social media and other sources.
8) Interact With Influencers
One of the best content marketing strategies is to not only work with influencers, but also engage them. The goal here is not simply to drive traffic back to your site through social shares or links in other articles-you want these influential people talking about your company and product directly, which will have more impact than any promotional effort you can launch on your own. Paying influencers upfront can be effective, but fostering a good relationship will always reap dividends in return.
Another way to ensure you work with relevant influencers is to see who is sharing and linking to your competitors. If an influencer who has their finger on the pulse of your market loves what another company is doing, they’re probably going to love it too. Reach out and ask them why they liked your competitor so much-and offer some free products or services in exchange for an honest review.
Content marketing isn’t something you can do half-heartedly. The best content marketing strategies all require work, but they always pay off in dividends. Use our eight best content marketing strategies to help ensure your success in 2022 and beyond.
Originally published at https://englishshop.xyz on May 4, 2022.